Health and Safety Policy

Health and Safety Policy


It is Scotts Timber Engineering’s policy to ensure the health, safety and welfare of its employees, customers and any other persons that could foreseeably be affected by its business activities.

In accordance with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, and other applicable legislation, Scotts Timber Engineering undertakes assessments of risks and instigates arrangements that ensure:

  • places of work are maintained in a safe condition
  • working environments are safe and without risk to health
  • work equipment and systems of work are safe and without risk to health
  • adequate information, instruction, training and supervision are provided to ensure the safety of employees and others.

Scotts Timber Engineering places great importance in ensuring the health, safety and welfare of all persons that could be affected by its work activities.

Scotts Timber Engineering monitors its safety performance and consults with its employees on safety matters to ensure safety standards are maintained.
